Jan 14, 2009

How To Enter Windows XP Recovery Console

In Windows XP many a times some system files get corrupted, deleted or damaged for a number of reasons. More often you only see the solution to be re-installation of Windows XP.

Before reinstall you can try to restore the damaged files using the recovery console of Windows XP. Many people don't know how to get to the recovery console to recover the files.

Here is how it should be done.
You need the Bootable Windows XP CD.

--- Insert the Windows XP CD in drive and restart your PC. During boot you will be asked to press any key to boot from CD. If you don't press any key your system will boot normally from hard disk. If your system does not boot from CD Check How to make your CD/DVD drive as the first boot device.

--- After this don't press any key. Windows will load some files so that you can reinstall or go to the recovery console.

---When you reach the setup screen press you can see you have to press R key to go to recovery console.

--- Once you press the R key windows will start to load recovery console but it will need to know which Windows installation you want to change. Most of us usually have only one Windows installation so the option is clear. Enter 1 and press Enter.

--- Now the recovery console will ask for the Administrator Password. Enter it and press enter. If you don't have a password then just press Enter.

--- The recovery console is now loaded and you will see a command prompt. Do the necessary changes or copy the corrupted files and overwrite them.

--- After all the changes are done remove the Windows XP CD and type Exit to restart the computer.


  1. pls use this http://kupluk2.blogspot.com/2009/11/adding-xp-recovery-console-to-boot-menu.html

  2. pls use this http://kupluk2.blogspot.com/2009/11/adding-xp-recovery-console-to-boot-menu.html
